Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Custom Firmware: RM- 779 Nokia 603 HTC CFW FP2 New

1 comment :

HTC CFW FP2 For Nokia 603

Thank you for huellif and share everything that has been a very good mods for this CFW
Immediately, following the display + Mods I have done on this CFW.

- Default language: Indonesian
- Already Integrated Installserver_log ( Safe Hack )

- Displays file system at filemanager ( private , sys , system etc. )
- Emoticons / Smiles accessible in all applications
- It integrates Qt components
- The effect of vibration on call ( either as an answer and end calls while )
- Already Integrated Reduce Qt PopUp fader ( eliminates black transparent effect when Popup menu )
- Sound Improvement v3.5
- AknCapServer.exe
- No more words resend the sms ( except gk no pulse .. hehe )
- It is integrated with Equalizer editor
- Raising Symbol Memory Cards


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