Saturday, 9 February 2013
Custom Firmware: RM- 588|625|504|356 Nokia 523x|5530|5800 Nokia ENVY
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6:49:00 pm
Custom FirmWares
Flashing and Modding
Nokia 5800
phone performance
S60vs-S^1-2-3 CFWs
Nokia 523x/5530/5800- All RM's-Nokia ENVY (By Team ENVY)[Continue Soon]
We Team ENVY here by present our Third work Nokia ENVY^3 , which is based on PNHTS C6 V20 Port. This cfw has
been made seeking the needs of the users. Each and every member has full authority to post this cfw else where in a condition to post
the link here on the thread. Users can modify this cfw if they want but do share your modifications here.
Variants in release:- 5233,5230,5235,5530,5800 &X6
Screenshots Of Nokia ENVY^3
the link here on the thread. Users can modify this cfw if they want but do share your modifications here.
Variants in release:- 5233,5230,5235,5530,5800 &X6
Screenshots Of Nokia ENVY^3

The patch "ReadCRoot.rmp" & C2Z are buggy. So, use them at your own risk
The UDA file supplied is blank ; It will make sure you get 76MB+ on drive C:
Do not worry if you experience your phone slow on first use after hardreset or flash. The first boot configures the device and all optimizations. So have patience during 1st boot!
Run AutoInstaller to quickly install many usefull applications
IMPORTANT STEPS TO BE DONE BEFORE FLASHING 1) Delete any "thinkchange" and "Patches" from you E:\ drive Before flash
2) If your MMC is locked by a password then REMOVE the password
3) Never FORMAT Memory Card after flash
4) Need to do Hard reset after flash
First Boot Optimization (Ignoring this will result in a buggy phone)1) After flash operation, when the country selection appears , wait for a minute or two, after that fill all the enteries.
2) Do not press any key untill the homescreen appears
3) Leave your phone at rest for 5-10 mins
4) After that do a restart & Your phone is now loaded
> Restart button instead of lock Screen and keypad
> Swipe to unlock now goes landscape.
> Rom Patcher 2.6 & some working patches
> Removed Show open apps from menu
> Conversations in menu hidden
> CPU modded to 100% and fps to 30 for better stability
> Cache in all drives enabled
> Browser cache moved to E:\ & increased to 40mb
> T9 predictive text off by default
> Theme effects on by default
> Screen rotation on by default
> General profile renamed to ENVY^3
> Video call options totally removed
> Battery Mod used for better battery life
> Speed increased
> Lags in menu removed
> Bt name ENVY^3 DARK EDITION(Default)
> 4x5 menu used (I bet you will like it better than 3x4 menu)
> Ovi music icon removed from music menu
> Heap size increased
> 76mb+ free on C:\
> Auto hard reset
> Music player refreshes faster
> No apps running after exit
> Camera does not stay in background after exit
> No apps at startup
Multi language fix(now import any language without any problem )Music/Media:-
> Music player only reads E:\Music
> Music player refreshes faster
> Music menu modded
> Ovi music removed from music menu
> Menu will not open after exit of music player
> Flash options replaced by video button
> High quality photos and video
> Now zoom in or out using volume keys
File Manager:-
> Send file through default browser
> like sis,sisx,jar etc
> Shows sys,system,private,resource folders
Themes Added-
> Envy Navigator(Default)
> Envy Horizon Black
> New Splashscreens added
> Discord theme effects used
> Default ks
> Default fonts
> New ringtones
> Swipe to unlock now goes landscape
General Customization:-
> Blank uda for extra space on C:\
> Ringing volume in earphone and speakers set to 10
> FOTA removed to gain 5 mb on C:\
> General profile renamed as ENVY^3
> New ringtones added
> Tapping sensor setting added
> Java permission off by default(get rid off saying yes in any java app like opera mini,unrar.etc)
> Lock & unlock vibrations off
> Ks disabled in short list
> Default tones changed
> Touch screen vibration off
> Full widget support
> 3 more shortcut widget bar added
Widgets:-> Some Important widgets you will find in E:\Widgets install manually or copy them to E:\thinkchange\C
UI updates:- > New splashscreens
> Lags in menu removed
> Auto rotate display by deflault
Lights:- > Mara's light mod used to get default light behavior
> No green light on charging
> Brightness control settings from 523x series
Calling:- > Summary after call on by default
> Volume in earphone and speaker set to 10
Things people may need:- > Ovi store will ge given seperately in sis file
> Speed dail backup files will be given just it drag them to rof2 & repack & flash
Ram Observed:-65 mb without widgets and theme effect
60 mb average ram with theme effects and widgets
Applications AddedAdded in Thinkchange:
1) JBak taskman(Installing this will not at all disable your swipe to unlock)
2) Flipfont v5
3) Kill me [if you install this please move mediabar.exe & popupclock.exe to protected]
4) Nimbuzz v3
5) Unrar v1.01
6) Divx Player v1
Inbuilt Apps: 1) Bt switch
2) Auto Installer
3) Screensnap
Applications Removed
1) Quick Office
2) Adobe Reader
3) Welcome
4) My Nokia
5) Voice commands
6) Nokia Maps
7) Ovi Music
Ovi Sync
9) OVI Store
10) Share Online
11) Podcasting
12) Help
13) Ovi Contacts
14) Image print
15) Online Support
16) Phone switch
17) Video Call(only for 5230,5233 as they dont have that feature)
18) Speed dial
19) SW update
20) Location
21) Here and Now
22) Themes: Light, Dark, White, Pink, Blue.
Nokia ENVY^3 RM-356 (5800):- HERE
Nokia ENVY^3 Dark Edition RM-504 (5530):- COMING SOON
Nokia ENVY^3 Dark Edition RM-588 (5230):- HERE
Nokia ENVY^3 Dark Edition RM-594 (5230):- COMING SOON
Nokia ENVY^3 Dark Edition RM-629 (5230):- HERE
Nokia ENVY^3 Dark Edition RM-625 (5228/5232/5233):- HERE
Nokia ENVY^3 Dark Edition RM-559 (X6)- COMING SOON
Guys this time the whole project was takn over by immortal_yash . So major credits are to him for completing this project gracefully
(containing a list of widgets, gif bootscreens, potrait walls, landscape walls, apps and a bit of cool fonts)We hope you guys like our work.
Team ENVY:- PrinceRM-786, ishandigipunk, DJnokia5233, apex666, dey2929, anshmiester78900 immortal_yash, PrakashKaran, LPHS, srgudhka
Special Credits & Heartiest Thanks to :- immortal_yash ,PNHT, Adonix, Ishandigipunk, Prince RM-786, 008ROHIT, Pirates Killer, PrakashKaran,
Credits :- ishandigipunk. Prince RM-786, 008ROHIT, prakashkaran, ralgrado apex666, srgudhka, dey2929, Pirates Killer, anshmiester78900, & all our DM friends
>>>> Screenshots of Nokia ENVY^1<<<

The patch "ReadCRoot.rmp" & C2Z are buggy. So, use them at your own risk
The UDA file supplied is blank ; It will make sure you get 78MB+ on drive C: , I think there is no use of Get Rihanna, FB, My Space etc etc, So i have deleted them to provide more space on C:
Do not worry if you experience your phone slow on first use after hardreset or flash. The first boot configures the device and all optimizations. So have patience during 1st boot!
Run AutoInstaller to quickly install many usefull applications ( Apps are provided Below In packages)
1) Delete any "thinkchange" and "gadget.swf" from you E:\ drive Before flash
2) If your MMC is locked by a password then REMOVE the password
3) Never FORMAT Memory Card after flash
4) Need to do Hard reset after flash
First Boot Optimization (Ignoring this will result in a buggy phone)
1) After flash operation, when the country selection appears , wait for a minute or two, after that fill all the enteries.
2) Do not press any key untill the homescreen appears
3) Now wait until you get this message "Applications installed"
4) After that do a restart

- Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates
- Increased Response Rate,Now touchscreen will be more responsive
- UI Accelerated
- Phone will never slow down and the RAM won't be decreasing due to RAM Cache Mod
- 78MB+ on C:
- Kinetic Scrolling everywhere
- Real Hack ie. No Use Of Installserver Patch
- Nokia SMS sending on start disabled completely (so no balance deduction)
- Default Bluetooth Name Changed To :- Nokia ENVY
- General Profile Also Named To Nokia ENVY
- Browser Cache increased to 10MB and moved to E:\
- Super Boosted Screen Rotation
- Delivery Reports Are ON by Default
- Hidden Menu Mod Used (cont. Manager, Themes, Profiles can now be shown up in menu)
- Saved Sent Message value has been set up to 999 by default
- Touch Screen Vibration has been disabled in �Nokia ENVY� profile i.e GENERAL profile
- Cache has been moved from C: to E:
- Default File manager is now capable of sending files.
- Widget Security Disabled
- Lock Unlock vibration has been disabled
- RollerCoaster Game removed
- Display Light timeout had been set to 45 seconds by default
- Light intensity set to 80%
- Shazam App Added
- Music player will read only E:\Sounds\Mymusic
- Nokia N8 kinetic scrolling used
- Default Nokia N8 tunes used
- Nokia default file browser can send sisx, sis, jar and any protected items via bluetooth, mms and uploads
- Nokia default file browser will show system folders and root folder (When ReadCroot.rmp Patch Is Enabled)
- Flexibility to install your own version of Vodafone/ Orange/ Tsunami Homescreen

NEW Nokia ENVY splashscreen & shutdown screen used
Supercool menu mod( see screenshots)
BootScreen Volume set to max
C6 default menu circle used
Default Fonts used
Speed2 Type Effects used by Joker

- Camera sound is disabled if Capture tone#1 is used- Camera will not leave in background after close it (SAVES RAM)
- Camera quality highly improved utilizing full 2 MP Camera
- Aurora (Default)
- Nokia Now
- Petrol Blue
- Rompatcher+ (patches will autocopy)
- BtSwitch
- Autoinstaller
- Kill Me
- Best Screensnap (Run Autoinstaller)
- JbakTaskman (Run Autoinstaller)
- Widgetizer 1.4 (Run Autoinstaller)

- Basic (Default Homescreen )
- Flash live (iphone4-ish) [you change by placing your own gadget.swf in E:\]
- Contacts Bar
- Full Page
- Navigation Bar
- Shortcuts Bar
5 Homescreens Variant:
6 Homescreens Variant:
Blank UDA file is provided by ishandigipunk, so no need to hard reset, it will itself do it
Please do modify the file names acc. to your original file names
> Restart button instead of lock Screen and keypad
> Swipe to unlock now goes landscape.
> Rom Patcher 2.6 & some working patches
> Removed Show open apps from menu
> Conversations in menu hidden
> CPU modded to 100% and fps to 30 for better stability
> Cache in all drives enabled
> Browser cache moved to E:\ & increased to 40mb
> T9 predictive text off by default
> Theme effects on by default
> Screen rotation on by default
> General profile renamed to ENVY^3
> Video call options totally removed
> Battery Mod used for better battery life
> Speed increased
> Lags in menu removed
> Bt name ENVY^3 DARK EDITION(Default)
> 4x5 menu used (I bet you will like it better than 3x4 menu)
> Ovi music icon removed from music menu
> Heap size increased
> 76mb+ free on C:\
> Auto hard reset
> Music player refreshes faster
> No apps running after exit
> Camera does not stay in background after exit
> No apps at startup
Multi language fix(now import any language without any problem )Music/Media:-
> Music player only reads E:\Music
> Music player refreshes faster
> Music menu modded
> Ovi music removed from music menu
> Menu will not open after exit of music player
> Flash options replaced by video button
> High quality photos and video
> Now zoom in or out using volume keys
File Manager:-
> Send file through default browser
> like sis,sisx,jar etc
> Shows sys,system,private,resource folders
Themes Added-
> Envy Navigator(Default)
> Envy Horizon Black
> New Splashscreens added
> Discord theme effects used
> Default ks
> Default fonts
> New ringtones
> Swipe to unlock now goes landscape
General Customization:-
> Blank uda for extra space on C:\
> Ringing volume in earphone and speakers set to 10
> FOTA removed to gain 5 mb on C:\
> General profile renamed as ENVY^3
> New ringtones added
> Tapping sensor setting added
> Java permission off by default(get rid off saying yes in any java app like opera mini,unrar.etc)
> Lock & unlock vibrations off
> Ks disabled in short list
> Default tones changed
> Touch screen vibration off
> Full widget support
> 3 more shortcut widget bar added
Widgets:-> Some Important widgets you will find in E:\Widgets install manually or copy them to E:\thinkchange\C
UI updates:- > New splashscreens
> Lags in menu removed
> Auto rotate display by deflault
Lights:- > Mara's light mod used to get default light behavior
> No green light on charging
> Brightness control settings from 523x series
Calling:- > Summary after call on by default
> Volume in earphone and speaker set to 10
Things people may need:- > Ovi store will ge given seperately in sis file
> Speed dail backup files will be given just it drag them to rof2 & repack & flash
Ram Observed:-65 mb without widgets and theme effect
60 mb average ram with theme effects and widgets
Applications AddedAdded in Thinkchange:
1) JBak taskman(Installing this will not at all disable your swipe to unlock)
2) Flipfont v5
3) Kill me [if you install this please move mediabar.exe & popupclock.exe to protected]
4) Nimbuzz v3
5) Unrar v1.01
6) Divx Player v1
Inbuilt Apps: 1) Bt switch
2) Auto Installer
3) Screensnap
Applications Removed
1) Quick Office
2) Adobe Reader
3) Welcome
4) My Nokia
5) Voice commands
6) Nokia Maps
7) Ovi Music
Ovi Sync
9) OVI Store
10) Share Online
11) Podcasting
12) Help
13) Ovi Contacts
14) Image print
15) Online Support
16) Phone switch
17) Video Call(only for 5230,5233 as they dont have that feature)
18) Speed dial
19) SW update
20) Location
21) Here and Now
22) Themes: Light, Dark, White, Pink, Blue.
Nokia ENVY^3 RM-356 (5800):- HERE
Nokia ENVY^3 Dark Edition RM-504 (5530):- COMING SOON
Nokia ENVY^3 Dark Edition RM-588 (5230):- HERE
Nokia ENVY^3 Dark Edition RM-594 (5230):- COMING SOON
Nokia ENVY^3 Dark Edition RM-629 (5230):- HERE
Nokia ENVY^3 Dark Edition RM-625 (5228/5232/5233):- HERE
Nokia ENVY^3 Dark Edition RM-559 (X6)- COMING SOON
Guys this time the whole project was takn over by immortal_yash . So major credits are to him for completing this project gracefully
(containing a list of widgets, gif bootscreens, potrait walls, landscape walls, apps and a bit of cool fonts)We hope you guys like our work.
Team ENVY:- PrinceRM-786, ishandigipunk, DJnokia5233, apex666, dey2929, anshmiester78900 immortal_yash, PrakashKaran, LPHS, srgudhka
Special Credits & Heartiest Thanks to :- immortal_yash ,PNHT, Adonix, Ishandigipunk, Prince RM-786, 008ROHIT, Pirates Killer, PrakashKaran,
Credits :- ishandigipunk. Prince RM-786, 008ROHIT, prakashkaran, ralgrado apex666, srgudhka, dey2929, Pirates Killer, anshmiester78900, & all our DM friends
>>>> Screenshots of Nokia ENVY^1<<<

The patch "ReadCRoot.rmp" & C2Z are buggy. So, use them at your own risk
The UDA file supplied is blank ; It will make sure you get 78MB+ on drive C: , I think there is no use of Get Rihanna, FB, My Space etc etc, So i have deleted them to provide more space on C:
Do not worry if you experience your phone slow on first use after hardreset or flash. The first boot configures the device and all optimizations. So have patience during 1st boot!
Run AutoInstaller to quickly install many usefull applications ( Apps are provided Below In packages)
1) Delete any "thinkchange" and "gadget.swf" from you E:\ drive Before flash
2) If your MMC is locked by a password then REMOVE the password
3) Never FORMAT Memory Card after flash
4) Need to do Hard reset after flash
First Boot Optimization (Ignoring this will result in a buggy phone)
1) After flash operation, when the country selection appears , wait for a minute or two, after that fill all the enteries.
2) Do not press any key untill the homescreen appears
3) Now wait until you get this message "Applications installed"
4) After that do a restart

- Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates
- Increased Response Rate,Now touchscreen will be more responsive
- UI Accelerated
- Phone will never slow down and the RAM won't be decreasing due to RAM Cache Mod
- 78MB+ on C:
- Kinetic Scrolling everywhere
- Real Hack ie. No Use Of Installserver Patch
- Nokia SMS sending on start disabled completely (so no balance deduction)
- Default Bluetooth Name Changed To :- Nokia ENVY
- General Profile Also Named To Nokia ENVY
- Browser Cache increased to 10MB and moved to E:\
- Super Boosted Screen Rotation
- Delivery Reports Are ON by Default
- Hidden Menu Mod Used (cont. Manager, Themes, Profiles can now be shown up in menu)
- Saved Sent Message value has been set up to 999 by default
- Touch Screen Vibration has been disabled in �Nokia ENVY� profile i.e GENERAL profile
- Cache has been moved from C: to E:
- Default File manager is now capable of sending files.
- Widget Security Disabled
- Lock Unlock vibration has been disabled
- RollerCoaster Game removed
- Display Light timeout had been set to 45 seconds by default
- Light intensity set to 80%
- Shazam App Added
- Music player will read only E:\Sounds\Mymusic
- Nokia N8 kinetic scrolling used
- Default Nokia N8 tunes used
- Nokia default file browser can send sisx, sis, jar and any protected items via bluetooth, mms and uploads
- Nokia default file browser will show system folders and root folder (When ReadCroot.rmp Patch Is Enabled)
- Flexibility to install your own version of Vodafone/ Orange/ Tsunami Homescreen

NEW Nokia ENVY splashscreen & shutdown screen used
Supercool menu mod( see screenshots)
BootScreen Volume set to max
C6 default menu circle used
Default Fonts used
Speed2 Type Effects used by Joker

- Camera sound is disabled if Capture tone#1 is used- Camera will not leave in background after close it (SAVES RAM)
- Camera quality highly improved utilizing full 2 MP Camera

- Nokia Now
- Petrol Blue
- Rompatcher+ (patches will autocopy)
- BtSwitch
- Autoinstaller
- Kill Me
- Best Screensnap (Run Autoinstaller)
- JbakTaskman (Run Autoinstaller)
- Widgetizer 1.4 (Run Autoinstaller)

- Basic (Default Homescreen )
- Flash live (iphone4-ish) [you change by placing your own gadget.swf in E:\]
- Contacts Bar
- Full Page
- Navigation Bar
- Shortcuts Bar
5 Homescreens Variant:
6 Homescreens Variant:
Blank UDA file is provided by ishandigipunk, so no need to hard reset, it will itself do it
Please do modify the file names acc. to your original file names
Thank You Guys... Happy Flashing...
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Post Comments
i have nokia 5230 rm-588 v.51.0.002
ReplyDeletei was flash it with "QUAETZ" cfw
now it shows v 51.6.002
if i wanna flash my phone
with this cfw so which core i have to use...?
Download the files above. Check the version no given in name of files. Then use original firmwares of same version from Navifirm. Beware, You have 51.6.002 now. So you can only flash with same or newer versions. Otherwise your phone will be bricked.
Deleteit means 1st I Have To Flash My Phone With Ofw [download from navifirm] Then Flash With Envy'3 ?
Deletebro when i download nokia 5233 per ur given link n i wait 4 5s ni click on "Skip" a "UNKNOWN FKING DOWNLOAD IS COMMING" wht should i do broo.......