Wednesday 20 March 2013

Custom Firmware: RM- 675 Nokia C7 Delight Belle by nicesoni Updated

C7 - PR3 - Delight Belle by nicesoni_ash - v5.2 released on 06.04.2012


-439+ MB free in C drive after flashing.
-EmulOFF v1.00 in CORE (Can be removed).
-RomPatcher+ 3.1 (Can be removed from application manager)
-Nokia Maps Suite v2.0 v3.00(95) (Only in English version)
-Check-In added as an extra component with Latest Maps.(It's not available in latest Nokia Maps) (Only in English version).
-New Mail application from Microsoft Business Apps bundle.
-Backup and Restore. A separate document is available for more explanation about it.
-New tool called Delight Resolver that will help you to sort out minor/major problems yourself. (It will also gives you an option to backup your registry so once you hard reset or flash your handset, your apps in E drive won't be gone). A separate document is available for more explanation about it.
-Guardian app (Free Edition) in CORE. Protection from removing it after a restart or even after a hard reset (called shadow copying, not available in official release). Also disabled checking for updates after 15 days (Restriction in Free Edition in official version) - For more info, check FAQ.
-Photo Editor and Video Editor (Moved to rofs)
-Nokia Ovi Maps (Moved to rofs)
-Shazam removed.
-Youtube Launcher removed.
-Topapps removed.
-Microsoft Communicator removed. 

-Default Big screensaver changed if you set your clock in Digital mode.
-New Animation Screensaver (to set Gif as Screensaver) from Anna by Lovelas
-New Slide Animation Screensaver from Anna by L0VELAS.
-New B&W Music Player Screensaver from Anna by L0VELAS.
-LanternSoft AlarmClock Screensaver v1.00(0) in CORE, upgradable. Can be uninstall.
-New FlipClock Widget added.
-New TextClock Widget added
-New Mini Email widget.
-Notification widget with Black icons by kalininvs
-Small Contact widget by L0VELAS.
-Translucent Small Calender widget by Novag with orange and white font.
-Latest Nokia Weather Widget v18.01(5). (Few reported problems in Beta labs version, you can always install the leaked one fromhere.)
-Transparent Mechanical Clock widget by Zinox.
-Transparent Digital Clock Widget with White Font added as an extra widget.
-New Notes Widget added.
-Transparent Profile Widget added as an extra widget.
-2 Big Clocks (One default and other one is Plangi BigClock Widget by IND190) + 1 -Mechanical Clock + 1 Medium Clock + 1 Small Clock = 5 Analog Clocks.
-New Gallery Widget from Nokia 808 ported by erorcun (with Semi Transparent Borders from joshlog).

-Most of the widgets are Translucent (Semi-transparent).
-Four page symbol mod. (Your font must have these symbols) (Only for English ROFS2)
-Mod to provide more RAM to most of your apps and improve performance.
-Green Battery indicator by kalininvs
-Camera app process left alone so camera app can be started soon enough.
-New Power Key Menu with Symbols for all options. Mod by 7b - modded for English by me.
-All apps and mods will remain after a hard reset except Quickoffice and Adobe PDF reader as they are in UDA. They can be removed through application manager.
-Phone memory will be shown as Phone memory instead of NC** in your PC when you connect it in USB mode. - Thanks toSurghikov for the trick ;)
-Push to notifications apps will work even after a hard reset.
-Delight Belle Blog's RSS added.
-Phone_as_modem.iso is in E:\system\ drive now so saving 7+mb from your C drive as Delight.iso. Rename any ISO you want to mount on your PC and name it as Delight.iso and put it in E:\System\ then connect your handset in "Use phone as modem" mode and that new ISO will be mounted.
-Set performance and battery usage to medium so it won't be lagging as well as won't consume too much battery result in better battery power management.
-No more unwanted images in Gallery, Wallpaper selection and Gallery Widget walls selection.
-Some default Belle ringtones removed to gain more space. Get them from Downloads section.
-Adobe Reader and Quick office (from original Belle UDA) added and can be removed through application manager.
-Alarm.twk and Sysap.twk along with Tweaks.sis are in E:\Tweaks-Plugins. Install Tweaks and set their options manually. (Tweaks Homepage).
-When you press menu in lock mode and rotate your handset, locked screen will rotate according to that and will stay the same.
-Any profile's name can be edited now.
-All new widgets including few older ones are in C drive now so it's easy to install a new one or change their mif files.
-Auto Lock time set to 2 minutes.
-Read/Write Full access to c:\ drive (instead of just c:\data) from original Belle File manager.
-Disabled the query dialog when you save a site certificate.
-Sms sending retries to unlimited, when the sending got error.
-Allow applications renaming in menu and creating folder under folder.
-Push to Notification files exist even after a hard reset so apps like Nokia drops etc will work even after a hard reset.
-New Fonts with bigger smiley size.
-Jlmvc - Smooth Effects v2.1 + Few default fonts.
-All widgets are free from any instance restriction. i.e. Place any number of the same widget on any home screen or on the same home screen.
-All widgets will be there even after a hard reset.
-GPS location locking is fastest as ever, in my phone within 2 seconds.
-Patched installserver.exe is in C:\sys\bin. So you can remove it too and use Installserver patch from RomPatcher+.
-Keylock Vibration mod moved to C drive so it can be restored easily. Read FAQ for more info.
-Tactile Feedback mod moved to C drive so it can be restored easily. Read FAQ for more info.
-Kinetic Scrolling mod moved to C drive so it can be restored easily. Read FAQ for more info.
-Domainsrv will be there even after a hard reset.
-Restart option with logo.
-Disabled cleaning Log after changing SIM.
-Disabled notification when changing profile from Offline to any.
-Disable notifications about power saving events.
-Power Saving enabled/disabled automatically according to battery power.
-FM Transmitter notification popups disabled.
-Disabled call recording beep by default without Rompatcher patch
-Full access to system folders without RomPatcher by default.
-Switch off and Reboot speed boosted to maximum.
-Removed shutdown animation feature. You [B]can't[/B] return it back.
-Sysap in Portrait mode always.
-New Rompatcher+ Patches.
-Song Metadata editing.
-Alarm Snooze Time 10 minutes.
-Calender Event snooze time 10 minutes.
-Alarm and Calender default tones changed.
-Auto Lock Phone set to 2 Minutes.
-Headset is default now in Accessory settings.
-Display Brightness is 80%.
-Smoothness in Video Rendering increased up to three times.
-RAM and Drive Memory threshold settings Changed.

--Good RAM Threshold - 133 mb. - Set to 110 mb.
--Low threshold for RAM - 100 mb. Set to 80 mb.
--Low threshold of disk space where a warning issued is 95% - Increased to 98%.
--Time interval for which the program should crash increased to double.
--Unlimited Alarm tone time.
--No more snoozed notifications once you select snooze.
--No request windows while using USSD e.g. while checking balance.
--No more 'Done' notification when using USSD.
--New Kinetic Scrolling mod from ancelad for Belle.
--Send "Protected files" from default file browser.
--Turn Off Predictive Text Input by default.
--The rate of 50 frames per second.
--Rendered OpenGL ES2.0.
--Unlimited cache
---Number of sent messages limit increased to 2000.
--Added server for GPS.
--Resume broken downloads in web browser.
--Added User Define Call Image by default while calling in Anna style.
--Improve Call Handset and Loud Speaker Volume.
--New special and unique Delight Belle startup animation.
--No image quality mod.
--Delight C7 as default bluetooth name.
--12 Hours Time format by default instead of 24.
--MheiM Fonts. (If you don't like them then replace them after reading FAQ).
--Added in suffix in browser - for Indian sites.
--Disabled "allow *widget* to access network?" query (always yes).
--Effects folders are moved to C:\data\animations\effects now.
--Better Menu structure - Reorganized.
--Maximum of 10 Homescreens now, I don't think more then that is required.
--Now you can write up to 4590 characters and it'll still be a text message and won't change to Multimedia message. By default the limit is 1530.
--Welcome message disabled.
--No more Ovi activation screen after startup, it’s disabled.
--Change Startup animation & tone location to C:\data\Animations with special and unique --Delight Belle startup animation.
--Video Editor and Photo Editor moved to Rofs from UDA so that they will exist even after a hard reset.
--USB OTG notifications disabled.
--Messaging settings Predefined.

--Character Encoding to Full.
--New messages will open in Inbox directly, not in conversation.
--30+ writing languages added to Writing Languages ROFS3.
--General and Meeting Profiles modded by default.
--General Profile name changed to Delight.

-Beautiful tone.mp3 added as default ringtone for Delight profile.
-C-ute sms.mp3 added as default SMS tone for Delight profile.
-Vibration alert set to on, Ringing volume is default, Keypad tones set to level 1
-Warning tones set to on and Touch Screen Vibration set to level 1.
-Beep Twice.aac added as default tone for Meeting profile.
-Ringing type set to Ringing, Keypad tones disabled, Ringing volume set to level 7
-Vibration alert set to on and Touch screen vibration disabled
-Ability to remove first Home Screen if more than one Home Screen available.
-Call duration on by default.
-Only Messaging and Contacts will remain in memory after exit. (I want them to start fast as well as they start at startup).
-Call summary on by default.
-Equalizer editing mod.
-Removed few processes from startup thus making startup a bit faster as well as save more RAM.
-Fixed GPRS/WiFi information in Logs.
-Auto enable Power saver mode if low battery.
-Auto disable Power saver mode if good battery.
-Alphabetic-numeric keyboard writing delay for writing letters changed from 1s to 0.4s.
-Alphabetic-numeric keyboard delay for writing number changed from 0.6s to 0.2s.
-Log cleaning up after changing SIM card is disabled.
-Display light time out is half an hour now.
-FOTA removed.
-Few applications volume increased to maximum.
-Voice Recorder - Set Recording Quality to High, Duration to 12hours and storage to E -drive.
-Camera tone off option added.
-Browser's cache moved to E:\ and set the amount to 32MB.
-Music Gallery Folders - Music player will only search for files in E:\Music, F:\Music.
-Fast Screen Rotation.
-The FM Transmitter now sends RDS "Nokia C7" and not just "Nokia".
-Java Permission Mod (Just change the settings from App Manager and no more annoying -pop ups in Java Apps).
-Custom Logs Age Mod - Mod for changing days for storing logs. Enter your own value now.
-Modded Device Manager info (only Custom firmware areas modified).
-Divert Call Notification disabled.
-Power Saver Activate/Deactivated notifications disabled.
-Notification when switching from offline to active profile disabled.
-"Use Bluetooth in Offline mode?" query disabled.
-"Use Wi-Fi in offline mode?" query disabled.
-Play via radio turned on/off notifications disabled.
-The FM Transmitter now sends RDS "Nokia C7" and not just "Nokia".
-Java Permission Mod (Just change the settings from App Manager and no more annoying pop ups in Java Apps).
-Custom Logs Age Mod - Mod for changing days for storing logs. Enter your own value now. -Modded Device Manager info (only Custom firmware areas modified).
-Tactile Feedback (Phone vibrates once after call connected).
-Divert Call Notification disabled.
-Power Saver Activate/Deactivated notifications disabled.
-Notification when switching from offline to active profile disabled.
-"Use Bluetooth in Offline mode?" query disabled.
-"Use Wi-Fi in offline mode?" query disabled.
-Play via radio turned on/off notifications disabled.Know Bugs 

-Text to Speech Reader crashing due to conflict with Microsoft Email app. (Will be fixed in future update.)
-Silent symbol is not there on top bar when phone is in Silent profile. (Couldn't find any compatible sysap mod for C7 that's why.)
-Shutdown Screen will have top and bottom in White color (Problem of Sysap)
-After Flashing complete, your phone will restart once showing you different notifications. 
----Let it do its work. After restart, you are all set to go...


About translated rofs2 
Pre-installed folders are still in English, you must rename them yourselves in your own language.
More info about translated rofs2 will be updated later once they are ready.
Installation instructions:
Read my Flashing Tutorial included in the "Needed Files.7z" archive and then flash.

Download Delight Bell v5.2

Delight Belle v5.2 Core
Delight Belle v5.2 Rofs2 - English version - FIXED
Delight Belle v5.2 ROFS3
Delight Belle v5.2 UDA
Delight Belle v5.2 other Needed Files

More Writing Languages ROFS3

Writing Languages included


Taylor - For Belle leaks.
Il.Socio - Rompatcher, Nokia Cooker and a lot more.
CodeRUS - A lots of mods..
Sklchan - Few cenrep mods
the_one.89 - Writing language files
Ancelad - Tactile Feedback and few other mods.
andrenlsbr + BlackDare + djmy19881225 + Jinhao - Theme effects.
witcher3 - Menu organized
Boroda - Widget mods.
hotboy_ist - Big Analog clock widget
freaxs_r_us - Delight Team Member (Translator)
karasss - Widgets Mod.
Peoresnada / kalininvs - Notified Widget.
dude2009 - For resolving F-Secure Antitheft related bug.
iExtraX7 - Several pretty good mods.
xCape - Mod and few tips on widgets.
Lovelas - Widgets and few ported screensaver.
moki - Fixed font problem.
DAEVA112 - Translucent widgets
Novag - Translucent Small Calender widge
Zinox - Widget mod.
Missgestalt - Mount mod.
erorcun for porting 808 gallery widget
joshlog - Transparent gallery widget
Cigiampa/xCape - Script files
7b - More Icons in Power Menu (modded for English by me)
Princess@Sátiro - Mod More Ram for Apps!
Special Credit to LPHS - For all the testing so it was possible to make Delight for C7
and everyone who helped me in one way or another..
Thank You... Happy Flashing...

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