Sunday, 26 May 2013
Custom Firmware: RM- 356 Nokia 5800 Xtension Legacy 1.0
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6:46:00 pm
Custom FirmWares
Flashing and Modding
format phone
Nokia 5800
phone performance
S60vs-S^1-2-3 CFWs
Updated firmware
Nokia 5800 - RM-356 V52 - C6v20 Xtension Legacy 1.0
Xtension Nokia 5800 (RM-356)

The Speed you get is because of Optimized CPU and interactive RAM management that no other firmware can give Xtension Series is based on various speed mods that maximizes phone performance and stability
CREDITS (for Mods and Files):
- PNHT- Prakashkaran- 008Rohit- akks- mara- muzicfreako69- FuRCoM- appleorangefruit
- apex666- iwalkwithshadow- LuziQ- CoDeRuS- RuL83- grk007- rayul_5- dambulino- jordan
- TaAndoor- AJ23- Varfolomey- Shadowninty- devilyazdan- Maler- paul013- shiva_nara

The Speed you get is because of Optimized CPU and interactive RAM management that no other firmware can give Xtension Series is based on various speed mods that maximizes phone performance and stability
CREDITS (for Mods and Files):
- PNHT- Prakashkaran- 008Rohit- akks- mara- muzicfreako69- FuRCoM- appleorangefruit
- apex666- iwalkwithshadow- LuziQ- CoDeRuS- RuL83- grk007- rayul_5- dambulino- jordan
- TaAndoor- AJ23- Varfolomey- Shadowninty- devilyazdan- Maler- paul013- shiva_nara
- dreaddd
New Release News:
Current release: Xtension legacy Final 1.0
Released Recently: Xtension Legacy Beta
Last: Nokia Pixel
Latest F/W = Xtension Legacy Final 1.0
Previous F/W = Xtension Legacy Beta
Phone Model = Nokia 5800 & Nokia 5233
Core = Nokia 5800v52
Base F/W = Original PNHT Nokia C6v20
Type: RM-356 and RM-625
Language: English

This firmware is built for speed and performance. I removed all unnecessary objects and focused on speed only
This firmware guarantees to deliver the best performance among all XTE CFWs or others

Kinecting Scrolling is disabled in short lists for better handling.
The patch "installserver.rmp", "open4all.rmp" is already applied and set to autostart along with RomPatcher+
PNHT modded installserver.exe is removed due to it's conflict with QT Installers
The UDA file supplied is blank. It will make sure you get 78MB+ on drive C:
Do not worry if you experience your phone slow on first use after hardreset or flash. The first boot configures the device and all optimizations come into play.So have patience during 1st boot!
Run AutoInstaller to quickly install "Java runtime 2.1"
(Ignoring this will cause system malfunctioning and bugs)
- Connect your phone to PC in Mass Storage mode and delete "system" , "resource" , "sys" and "private" folders from Memory Card
- If your MMC is locked by a password then REMOVE the password
- Backup your messages, contacts, calender entries, notes
- Do NOT backup gallery files or settings
- Now switch off phone and do the flashing
- Never FORMAT Memory Card after flash
- No need to do Hard reset after flash
- Backup Messages, Calendar and Notes
- Do not backup contacts or else this will create a bug
- Backup contacts by the following method
*Go to Contact -> Option -> Mark/Unmark -> Mark All -> Option -> Copy business card -> To other memory -> E: Memory Card ->
press Select
- After flashing your phone with this firmware, restore your backup of messages, notes and calender
- To restore your contacts do the following method
*Now after above step Go to Contact -> Option -> Copy business card ->From other memory -> E: Memory Card -> press Select
(Now this time your contact bar widget will work)
First Boot Optimization - Do not ignore this!
(Ignoring this will result in a buggy phone)
- After flash operation, do not press any key untill the homescreen appears
- Now wait atleast for 2 minutes
- Go to menu>settings>Date and time and set CORRECT date,time and timezone
- Now restart your tube
- Done!
Information regarding Xtension's Autoinstaller and Hardreset
- Xtension Legacy has no built-in autoinstaller as it slows down boot
- Autoinstaller is preinstalled in the firmware though
- After flash or hardreset, Run autoinstaller to install Java Runtime 2.1
-Many files compared with Nokia N97 to get the fastest settings possible
-Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates
-Increased Response Rate (Now touchscreen will be more responsive)
-Music Player response highly increased (Instantly pauses/plays on clicking the buttons)
-Reduced effects complexity which should result in a speed increase
-Increased Heap Size further to boost up performance
-Lags in Menu and Other Large Applications removed
-Polished the UI for heavy usage
-Phone will never slow down and the RAM won't be decreasing (RAM Caching modded)
-77MB+ on C:\ (Phone memory)
-Average RAM: 60MB free
-Smoother Kinetic Scrolling
-Many more Performance Upgrades
-CPU and RAM optimized to keep the phone running fast
-Real Hack removed because of its conflict with QT Installers
-Navigation Optimized (Truly optimized for navigation with latest apps)
-Changable Splashscreen (Thx to Prakashkaran)
(Just put your own splashscreen.mif in C:\resource\apps and restart!)
- Voice Commands Enabled
- GPRS Connection status Enabled
- Nokia SMS Sending (My Nokia) Disabled
- Tapping Mode added: Shake to get phone silent/snooze Alarm and Calls
- TV Out fixed completely fixed
- Tapping control and turning control turned off by default (Thx to Prakashkaran)
- Auto rotation turned ON by default (Thx to Prakashkaran)
- Default bluetooth name: Xtension TNE 1.0
- Music Player graphically modded and boosted
- Number of message sent saved increase from 20 to 999 by default
- OVI Contacts totally disabled
- Now you can record up to 12 Hours
- Voice recording during call fixed
- RAM Cache in C:\ for better performance
- Browser Cache increased to 10MB and moved to E:\
- Super Optimized Screen Rotation
- CPU load decreased (Get a very fast phone)
- Enabled lock/unlock vibration
- Enabled keypad lights
- Kinetic Scrolling diabled in short lists
- Zero start up of background applications
- Auto optimization of RAM cache for keeping up your phone faster even after heavy usage
- Blank UDA supplied to get highest possible free space on C:\
- Lags in Menu removed. The Kinetic Scrolling is optimized (It is no very fast not very slow)
- Default Fonts Used
- Pressing 0 from dialer will launch KillMe anytime instead of browser. Thus you can access KillMe anytime as a task manager
- New CPU settings to boost performance
- Delivery Reports ON by default in Messaging
- Full character support is ON by default in Messaging
- Theme effects OFF by default
- "Show In groups" in Messages ON by default
- "Summary after call" and "speed dialing" ON by default
- "In call timer" ON by default
- Profile "General" renamed to "Xtension"
- Tacticle Vibration Feedback turned OFF in General profile (Xtension) by default
- Light Sensor set to 50% and lights time-out set to 30 seconds by default (Saves Battery)
- "Confirm SMS Services" set to ON by default
- Put your own startup.gif and startup.mp3 in E:\boot\ to get your own bootscreens and bootsound anytime
- Preconfigured "Killme" Protected list
-Kill me
- C5-03 Keyboard style used
- N8+C6 Swipe to Unlock added
- Added Operator Logo and Screen Saver options in settings
- Browser can go to landscape mode even when Sensors are OFF
(Options>Display Options>Rotate Screen)
- Camera "Already in Use" bug fixed
- QT Applications fully working
- N8 style Contacts bar and music Widget
- Browser Boosted (Web pages will load super fast)
- Gallery Mod (E:\ Hidden accept Images and Videos. Put your Wallpapers in E:\Wallapapers\)
- Photo Browser integrated in photos menu
- Java Runtime 2.1 in the Box
Navigational Properties
- Latest OVI Maps 3.06 added
- Latest Google maps added
- Speedometer app added
- Faster GPS lock
- Widgeted Nokia C6 Homescreen
- Full widget support
- Added 3 new shortcut bars
- Pre-Installed "My notifications" widget
- Xtension Legacy Spalshscreen (Changable)
- Xtension Legacy Shutdown Screen
- Boot animation sound and path moved to E:\boot
(use your own bootscreens and sounds)
- Bootscreen volume set to: 8.0
- Hazard Busy Menu Circle
- Light Intensity set to 50% light by default
- Theme Effects: Hyper
- default theme: Precision
- Nokia C5-03 Keyboard style added
- Swipe to unlock graphically modded (N8+C6 Style)
- N8 style Contacts bar and music Widget
- SwiPolicy changed which enable to install almost apps without RomPatcher patch (Works 99%)
- Removed annoying widget security warnings
- Secure Widget Preinstall (OVI Store Installer) will not run on first startup
(Instead it will autoinstall when you click on the icon in menu)
- Java permission is set to default
- Nokia default file browser can send sisx, sis, jar and any protected items via bluetooth, mms and uploads
- Nokia default file browser will show system folders and root folder (Just enable ReadCroot.rmp Patch)
- Camera sound is disabled if Capture tone#1 is used
- Camera will not leave in background after close it (SAVES RAM)
- Camera quality highly improved utilizing full 3.2 MP Camera
- Video Capture Quality improved to get High Detail Videos
- Camera "Already In Use" bug completely Fixed
- New Music Player added (lyrics support)
- New Graphical Music player Mods added
- Music Player speed mods added
- Music Player Reads only E:\Music\
- Music player speed highly accelerated
- Music Player refresh faster
- Nokia 5800 Stereo Codecs added for the best surround quality
- Camera will not leave in background after close it (SAVES RAM)
- Camera quality highly improved utilizing full 3.2 MP Camera
- Video Capture Quality improved to get High Detail Videos
- Gallery Improved to find files
- gallery mod added
- Xtension Nokia Menu
- All Lags in Menu removed
- Optimized to run very fast and smooth (Tweaked KS in Menu)
- Menu layout 3x4
- Pre-configured menu with folder icons
- Xtension Blank (Default)
- Xtension Navigator
- OVI Maps 3.06
- Google Maps
- Speedometer
- Nokia Notifications
- RomPatcher+ (Removed Startup Note)
- Autoinstaller v1.2
- KillMe
- File Browser
- Network Switcher
- Brightlight
- BTSwitch
- MemCheck
- Screen Snap
(Autoinstaller Packages)
Java Runtime 2.1
- About
- OVI Contacts
- Chat
- My Nokia
- Quick Office
- Adobe PDF
- Ovi Music (can be reinstalled via Software Updates)
- OVI Maps 3.04
- FOTA reserved spaces in C: deleted: gain 5MB
- Autocretion of folders
- Cache folders in E:\
- E:\thinkchange\c
- E:\thinkchange\e
- E:\Music
- E:\Boot
- Java runtime Setup will automatically copied to thinkchange installation folders
- Just Run Autoinstaller to quickly to upgrade your Java
Show system files.rmp - Shows all system folder and files in C: and E:
Remove Red Recording LED.rmp - Removes the RED led that lights up during Video Recording
Record Tone OFF.rmp - Turns off call recorder beep during recording
Remove Show Open Apps - Removes the "Show Open Applications" tab from options menu
Block GPRS & WLAN.rmp - Blocks bluetooth and WLAN
Disable Logs.rmp - Disables LOG application
Lock Settings.rmp - Disables settings application
Lock Bluetooth.rmp - Locks the bluetooth
Lock USB data.rmp - Locks USB connectivity
Lock Installation.rmp - Prevents installing of any softwares
Activate Bass Effects.rmp - Activates the bass effects
c2z4bin THUMB.rmp - c2z like patch for binary files
12 months call log.rmp - Increases log period from 30days to 12months
LCD Light ON.rmp - Keeps the LCD backlight ON
Show typed Password.rmp - Shows the typed password instead of "*"
Show hidden options.rmp - Shows hidden options in options menu
Restart Power Button.rmp - Long press power Button to Restart device
Short Multi Tap.rmp - Decreases the waiting time between pressing of two keys
Global Note Fix.rmp - Removes all popup notes (Base patch)
Disable Enh Note.rmp - Disables enhancement connected' notes
Disable USSD Notes.rmp - Disable operator USSD notes
No Profile Switch Note.rmp - Removes the popup note that opens when profiles are changed
Installserver.rmp - Alloows the installation of Unsigned programs
ReadCRoot.rmp - Shows all C: drive contents on default File Manager (This Patch is buggy, be carefull when using)
C2Z Patch - It is not included as you have to create it yourself.
Show system files.rmp - Shows all system folder and files in C: and E:*
Installserver.rmp - Allows the installation of Unsigned programs
Here are the download links to download various Xtension Releases
For Nokia 5800 Users:
16/01: The Xtension Legacy Final Version 1.0 Released:
(Flash with all the three files. Do not use any other file. Using of UDA is mandatory)
CORE: Download
UDA: Download
Xtension ROFS2: Download
Xtension Softwares Pack: Download
New Release News:
Current release: Xtension legacy Final 1.0
Released Recently: Xtension Legacy Beta
Last: Nokia Pixel
Latest F/W = Xtension Legacy Final 1.0
Previous F/W = Xtension Legacy Beta
Phone Model = Nokia 5800 & Nokia 5233
Core = Nokia 5800v52
Base F/W = Original PNHT Nokia C6v20
Type: RM-356 and RM-625
Language: English

This firmware is built for speed and performance. I removed all unnecessary objects and focused on speed only
This firmware guarantees to deliver the best performance among all XTE CFWs or others

Kinecting Scrolling is disabled in short lists for better handling.
The patch "installserver.rmp", "open4all.rmp" is already applied and set to autostart along with RomPatcher+
PNHT modded installserver.exe is removed due to it's conflict with QT Installers
The UDA file supplied is blank. It will make sure you get 78MB+ on drive C:
Do not worry if you experience your phone slow on first use after hardreset or flash. The first boot configures the device and all optimizations come into play.So have patience during 1st boot!
Run AutoInstaller to quickly install "Java runtime 2.1"
(Ignoring this will cause system malfunctioning and bugs)
- Connect your phone to PC in Mass Storage mode and delete "system" , "resource" , "sys" and "private" folders from Memory Card
- If your MMC is locked by a password then REMOVE the password
- Backup your messages, contacts, calender entries, notes
- Do NOT backup gallery files or settings
- Now switch off phone and do the flashing
- Never FORMAT Memory Card after flash
- No need to do Hard reset after flash
- Backup Messages, Calendar and Notes
- Do not backup contacts or else this will create a bug
- Backup contacts by the following method
*Go to Contact -> Option -> Mark/Unmark -> Mark All -> Option -> Copy business card -> To other memory -> E: Memory Card ->
press Select
- After flashing your phone with this firmware, restore your backup of messages, notes and calender
- To restore your contacts do the following method
*Now after above step Go to Contact -> Option -> Copy business card ->From other memory -> E: Memory Card -> press Select
(Now this time your contact bar widget will work)
First Boot Optimization - Do not ignore this!
(Ignoring this will result in a buggy phone)
- After flash operation, do not press any key untill the homescreen appears
- Now wait atleast for 2 minutes
- Go to menu>settings>Date and time and set CORRECT date,time and timezone
- Now restart your tube
- Done!
Information regarding Xtension's Autoinstaller and Hardreset
- Xtension Legacy has no built-in autoinstaller as it slows down boot
- Autoinstaller is preinstalled in the firmware though
- After flash or hardreset, Run autoinstaller to install Java Runtime 2.1
-Many files compared with Nokia N97 to get the fastest settings possible
-Highly Increased Application/Gaming frame rates
-Increased Response Rate (Now touchscreen will be more responsive)
-Music Player response highly increased (Instantly pauses/plays on clicking the buttons)
-Reduced effects complexity which should result in a speed increase
-Increased Heap Size further to boost up performance
-Lags in Menu and Other Large Applications removed
-Polished the UI for heavy usage
-Phone will never slow down and the RAM won't be decreasing (RAM Caching modded)
-77MB+ on C:\ (Phone memory)
-Average RAM: 60MB free
-Smoother Kinetic Scrolling
-Many more Performance Upgrades
-CPU and RAM optimized to keep the phone running fast
-Real Hack removed because of its conflict with QT Installers
-Navigation Optimized (Truly optimized for navigation with latest apps)
-Changable Splashscreen (Thx to Prakashkaran)
(Just put your own splashscreen.mif in C:\resource\apps and restart!)
- Voice Commands Enabled
- GPRS Connection status Enabled
- Nokia SMS Sending (My Nokia) Disabled
- Tapping Mode added: Shake to get phone silent/snooze Alarm and Calls
- TV Out fixed completely fixed
- Tapping control and turning control turned off by default (Thx to Prakashkaran)
- Auto rotation turned ON by default (Thx to Prakashkaran)
- Default bluetooth name: Xtension TNE 1.0
- Music Player graphically modded and boosted
- Number of message sent saved increase from 20 to 999 by default
- OVI Contacts totally disabled
- Now you can record up to 12 Hours
- Voice recording during call fixed
- RAM Cache in C:\ for better performance
- Browser Cache increased to 10MB and moved to E:\
- Super Optimized Screen Rotation
- CPU load decreased (Get a very fast phone)
- Enabled lock/unlock vibration
- Enabled keypad lights
- Kinetic Scrolling diabled in short lists
- Zero start up of background applications
- Auto optimization of RAM cache for keeping up your phone faster even after heavy usage
- Blank UDA supplied to get highest possible free space on C:\
- Lags in Menu removed. The Kinetic Scrolling is optimized (It is no very fast not very slow)
- Default Fonts Used
- Pressing 0 from dialer will launch KillMe anytime instead of browser. Thus you can access KillMe anytime as a task manager
- New CPU settings to boost performance
- Delivery Reports ON by default in Messaging
- Full character support is ON by default in Messaging
- Theme effects OFF by default
- "Show In groups" in Messages ON by default
- "Summary after call" and "speed dialing" ON by default
- "In call timer" ON by default
- Profile "General" renamed to "Xtension"
- Tacticle Vibration Feedback turned OFF in General profile (Xtension) by default
- Light Sensor set to 50% and lights time-out set to 30 seconds by default (Saves Battery)
- "Confirm SMS Services" set to ON by default
- Put your own startup.gif and startup.mp3 in E:\boot\ to get your own bootscreens and bootsound anytime
- Preconfigured "Killme" Protected list
-Kill me
- C5-03 Keyboard style used
- N8+C6 Swipe to Unlock added
- Added Operator Logo and Screen Saver options in settings
- Browser can go to landscape mode even when Sensors are OFF
(Options>Display Options>Rotate Screen)
- Camera "Already in Use" bug fixed
- QT Applications fully working
- N8 style Contacts bar and music Widget
- Browser Boosted (Web pages will load super fast)
- Gallery Mod (E:\ Hidden accept Images and Videos. Put your Wallpapers in E:\Wallapapers\)
- Photo Browser integrated in photos menu
- Java Runtime 2.1 in the Box
Navigational Properties
- Latest OVI Maps 3.06 added
- Latest Google maps added
- Speedometer app added
- Faster GPS lock
- Widgeted Nokia C6 Homescreen
- Full widget support
- Added 3 new shortcut bars
- Pre-Installed "My notifications" widget
- Xtension Legacy Spalshscreen (Changable)
- Xtension Legacy Shutdown Screen
- Boot animation sound and path moved to E:\boot
(use your own bootscreens and sounds)
- Bootscreen volume set to: 8.0
- Hazard Busy Menu Circle
- Light Intensity set to 50% light by default
- Theme Effects: Hyper
- default theme: Precision
- Nokia C5-03 Keyboard style added
- Swipe to unlock graphically modded (N8+C6 Style)
- N8 style Contacts bar and music Widget
- SwiPolicy changed which enable to install almost apps without RomPatcher patch (Works 99%)
- Removed annoying widget security warnings
- Secure Widget Preinstall (OVI Store Installer) will not run on first startup
(Instead it will autoinstall when you click on the icon in menu)
- Java permission is set to default
- Nokia default file browser can send sisx, sis, jar and any protected items via bluetooth, mms and uploads
- Nokia default file browser will show system folders and root folder (Just enable ReadCroot.rmp Patch)
- Camera sound is disabled if Capture tone#1 is used
- Camera will not leave in background after close it (SAVES RAM)
- Camera quality highly improved utilizing full 3.2 MP Camera
- Video Capture Quality improved to get High Detail Videos
- Camera "Already In Use" bug completely Fixed
- New Music Player added (lyrics support)
- New Graphical Music player Mods added
- Music Player speed mods added
- Music Player Reads only E:\Music\
- Music player speed highly accelerated
- Music Player refresh faster
- Nokia 5800 Stereo Codecs added for the best surround quality
- Camera will not leave in background after close it (SAVES RAM)
- Camera quality highly improved utilizing full 3.2 MP Camera
- Video Capture Quality improved to get High Detail Videos
- Gallery Improved to find files
- gallery mod added
- Xtension Nokia Menu
- All Lags in Menu removed
- Optimized to run very fast and smooth (Tweaked KS in Menu)
- Menu layout 3x4
- Pre-configured menu with folder icons
- Xtension Blank (Default)
- Xtension Navigator
- OVI Maps 3.06
- Google Maps
- Speedometer
- Nokia Notifications
- RomPatcher+ (Removed Startup Note)
- Autoinstaller v1.2
- KillMe
- File Browser
- Network Switcher
- Brightlight
- BTSwitch
- MemCheck
- Screen Snap
(Autoinstaller Packages)
Java Runtime 2.1
- About
- OVI Contacts
- Chat
- My Nokia
- Quick Office
- Adobe PDF
- Ovi Music (can be reinstalled via Software Updates)
- OVI Maps 3.04
- FOTA reserved spaces in C: deleted: gain 5MB
- Autocretion of folders
- Cache folders in E:\
- E:\thinkchange\c
- E:\thinkchange\e
- E:\Music
- E:\Boot
- Java runtime Setup will automatically copied to thinkchange installation folders
- Just Run Autoinstaller to quickly to upgrade your Java
Show system files.rmp - Shows all system folder and files in C: and E:
Remove Red Recording LED.rmp - Removes the RED led that lights up during Video Recording
Record Tone OFF.rmp - Turns off call recorder beep during recording
Remove Show Open Apps - Removes the "Show Open Applications" tab from options menu
Block GPRS & WLAN.rmp - Blocks bluetooth and WLAN
Disable Logs.rmp - Disables LOG application
Lock Settings.rmp - Disables settings application
Lock Bluetooth.rmp - Locks the bluetooth
Lock USB data.rmp - Locks USB connectivity
Lock Installation.rmp - Prevents installing of any softwares
Activate Bass Effects.rmp - Activates the bass effects
c2z4bin THUMB.rmp - c2z like patch for binary files
12 months call log.rmp - Increases log period from 30days to 12months
LCD Light ON.rmp - Keeps the LCD backlight ON
Show typed Password.rmp - Shows the typed password instead of "*"
Show hidden options.rmp - Shows hidden options in options menu
Restart Power Button.rmp - Long press power Button to Restart device
Short Multi Tap.rmp - Decreases the waiting time between pressing of two keys
Global Note Fix.rmp - Removes all popup notes (Base patch)
Disable Enh Note.rmp - Disables enhancement connected' notes
Disable USSD Notes.rmp - Disable operator USSD notes
No Profile Switch Note.rmp - Removes the popup note that opens when profiles are changed
Installserver.rmp - Alloows the installation of Unsigned programs
ReadCRoot.rmp - Shows all C: drive contents on default File Manager (This Patch is buggy, be carefull when using)
C2Z Patch - It is not included as you have to create it yourself.
Show system files.rmp - Shows all system folder and files in C: and E:*
Installserver.rmp - Allows the installation of Unsigned programs
Here are the download links to download various Xtension Releases
For Nokia 5800 Users:
16/01: The Xtension Legacy Final Version 1.0 Released:
(Flash with all the three files. Do not use any other file. Using of UDA is mandatory)
CORE: Download
UDA: Download
Xtension ROFS2: Download
Xtension Softwares Pack: Download
Thank You... Happy Flashing...
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