Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Custom Firmware: RM- 707 Nokia X7- The One
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6:51:00 pm
Anna-Belle CFWs
Custom FirmWares
Flashing and Modding
format phone
phone performance
This is my Custom Firmware for the Nokia X7
You will find all informations about Mods and the base version I used in the changelog.
I was aiming for a slim and fast version, without loosing the touch of the original one.
This version was created for my brother, thats why English/German is already included.
Most preinstalled Applications are removed (see changelog), you will find Installers to bring them back on my Blog, via Nokia Update or in the Nokia Store.
Tools, Mods and Applications
find more on my blog
Important Informations
Release Notes - please read this before flashing!
How to flash
About hard resets
You don't need to do that after flashing your phone...
But if you feel like you have to do a hard reset, it is easier to reflash your device again.
Format E:\ and F:\ for best results and then reflash the CFW again, that way you won't lose all apps and mods on C:\.
That saves alot of time i think...
The Firmware has ~425MB free space on C:\.
RM-707 Nokia X7-00
Custom Firmware
The One X7
-default settings changed
-menu arrangement (matrixmenudata.xml)
-homescreen settings/mods
-added The One background images
-to "c:\data\_tools\backgrounds" fully removable
-unlimited homescreen mod (max. 100)
-first homescreen can be deleted
-Widget arrangement for three default homescreens
-for portrait and landscape
-mod to rename all profile names
-clock and time
-display settings
-call settings
-camera settings
-handset and speaker volume
-apps updated/moved
-Nokia Belle FP1 Taskmanager
-d0r$H v2 [theOne_Edition] by xotusblack
-OTA preinstalled
-calendar update 10.3(7)
-Phone as Modem functionality
-moved to rofs
-Video & Photo Editor moved to rofs
-plugins for gallery integrated to uda
-Search Widget/Browser Search Plugins v3.2.7
-added new widgets
-nokia widgets released by taylor
-contacts, communications
-text clock
-"blue" by Syarmwawa
-flip clock
-"white/transparent" by Dima-zh1
-anna notification widget (inc. anna icons)
-digital clock modded by xotusblack
-all new widgets modded for working from rofs2
-browser mods
-removed all bookmarks
-removed default feeds
-added "The One CFW" feed
-set browser cache to infinite
-downloads resume after restart
-set google.com as default homepage
-toplevel domains (ch,com,net,org,de)
-808 User Agent (optional)
-camera-mods (photo)
-available resolutions modded:
-8MP (4:3) 95%
-6MP (16:9) 95%
-3MP (16:9) 100%
-1.3MP (4:3) 100%
-removed other resolutions
-camera mute option available
-extended zoom
-you can still install your prefered cameramod!
-camrea-mods (video)
-720p @ 30FPS, 256kbps Audio
-music player mods
-music player search E:\Music, F:\Music
-music player heap to 30MB
-increased max. volume
-music player screensaver added
-equalizer mod (by coderus)
-metadata editor
-dolby effects ported from fp1
-by shahin324
-voice recorder mod
-720min recording @256kbps stereo (by sklchan)
-kinetic scrolling mod
-by ancelad
-rename apps in main menu by iExtraX7
-create subfolders in mainmenu by iExtraX7
-tacticle feedback in calls by ancelad
-CPU & GPU modded for better Performance and Batterylife
-send protected files from default filebrowser
-modified swipoliciy.ini
-more ram for apps v6
-by satiro
-more symbols mod (5 pages)
-by contrinsan
-"the one" splashscreen
-by shahspik
-mods by coderus
-Java permission modded
-hacked with latest installserver.exe
-gprs/wifi-log fix (by CoDeRUS & ExtraX7)
-diasbled active diverts
-custom log duration
-alarm mod 2.0
-alarm tone duration set to 5min (300 seconds)
-1min was default
-snooze notifications disabled
-mods in c:\_tools\mods
-mods in this location
-808 User Agent 1.0
-Text under HS-Icons 2.0
-mods will be copied from z:\ to c:\ after first boot
-support for custom startup animation
-name and place your files on c:\ like this
-empty folder "c:\_tools\startup" created after first boot
-removed default startup animation
-enable waring tones in profile settings for startup sound
-support for custom theme effects
-original effects are used by default!
-original effects are taken from z:\resource\effects
-copy custom effects into c:\_tools\effects\ via default filebrowser
-empty folder "c:\_tools\effects" created after first boot
-restart your device and they will work!
-no need for configuration packages/rompatcher etc.
-support for custom fonts
-default Belle font
-modified font for symbol support
-cleaned up fonts for easier support from c:\
-how to change fonts: http://forum.dailymobile.se/index.php?topic=54228.0
-removed stuff
-apps removed from startup
-phonebook, messaging, calendar, clock, log
-nfc components
-MyNokia is disabled
-no Nokia Account activation at first boot
-fota cache to 0
-excluded some folders from gallery
-removed language files for english/german only
-removed preinstalled apps
-prebuilt media
-Nokia Maps (outdated)
-Nokia Recommend
-CNN Int.
-Video & Photo Editors (moved to rofs)
-Quick Office & Adobe PDF
-Microsoft Communicator
-Ovi Store
-Ovi Music
-MS Apps
-cleand up core/rofs2/uda
-removed unnecessary files
-rearragend files
known Bugs:
-[note] this list is always for the most recent version!
-[note] known Belle-bugs are excluded from this list
*waiting for your feedback*
detailed/internal changelog can be found here
I'll try to keep the known bugs list up-to-date. Bugs will be fixed in next versions, if it's not a major bug, it can take some time...
X7-Project Folder (all Versions)
Full Translations
this post may helps you to create your own translation for my CFW
Language Library 111.040 by freaxs_r_us
Enjoy the Firmware and share your feedback!
for more screenshots follow this link
(The screenshots here are from my N8 CFW, but it looks almost the same on the X7.)
The One v4.8.x (N8)

-updated to v2.1.0
Thank You Guys... Happy Flashing...
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