Sunday 18 November 2012
Custom Firmware: RM- 588|625|356 Nokia 5230|5233|5800 Blaze Lite BETA[Vanilla] 4th edition
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6:46:00 pm
Custom FirmWares
Flashing and Modding
S60vs-S^1-2-3 CFWs
Nokia 5230|5233|5800 - RM-588|RM-625|RM-356 - Blaze Lite BETA[Vanilla] 4th edition
This thread is for Blaze Lite/Vanilla [October 2012, Fourth Release].
PNHT: For building a platform, for the mods, for the apps, for Everything!
Binh24: For the C6-Ports and icon packs!
LPHS and Team Envy-Unleashed: For making the C6-Structured OFW!
Special thanks to: swapnilwajpe, deeps_17[/b] and all others, who helped in making and creating Blaze v2 a hit!
Mods: Upakul, NP, Alex393 and other Great Modders from DM
Special Thanks to Amarjit: For always supporting us!
Team Blaze Ultimate:
All those who contributed and DailyMobile Forum! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MAX RAM: 77.70 MB! - Highest Value ever recorded in the History of Nokia S60 v5 Touch!
Stable RAM after heavy usage: 68 MB
-- CPU speed Increased but Lightened
-- Starter files Rectified and modded for a faster boot. Now more RAM on startup!
-- Heap Size Maintained and Rectified for heavy loading and Browsing
-- Kinetic Scrolling is now stabilized and modded. Now scroll thousands of messages with No problems in scrolling at all!
-- Many Speed mods added and CPU speed balanced with Battery usage! Maximum RAM n best Battery backup recorded here on DM !!
-- No app will stay in background at all! Get maximum RAM !
-- System Cache Highly Increased!
-- UI Highly adjusted for Performance!
-- Not using any Staticfeatures.dll file! - This will give you NO problem with brightness whatsoever!
-- Custom Icons by Sir Apex666
-- Beta Version contains Gado Gado Icons by Goodness
-- Premium Characters by Drigz added to Symbols
-- Nokia Splashes added.
-- No Belle Navibar Crap.
-- Changeable Splash and Shutdown screen
Just place your desired splash and shutdown in mif format in C:\resource\apps
Splashscreen: Splashscreen.mif
Shutdown: SysAp.mif
You will have to apply Open4All Patch to copy. Use Xplore or Filebrowser.
Blaze animation added to E:\Boot\ folder
Now add two boot screens and two tones to your device! In gif and mp3 format !!
Just rename your gif(s) and put in E:\Boot\ folder as follows:
Boot animation 1: Startup.gif
Boot tone 1: Startup.mp3
Boot animation 2: Startup 2.gif
Boot tone 2: Startup 2.mp3
Shutdown animation: Shutdown.gif
Shutdown tone: Shutdown.mp3
-- Custom Theme Effects by Allstar12345
-- C5-03 Tap to Unlock Added
-- Breathing Light while charging ON (Middle White Light)
-- Ovi Maps 3.06 with Latest updates
-- Modded the Menu layout and added a few important folders
-- Conversations icon hidden from Menu
-- Profile and themes now show in 'Tools' folder
-- Center text
-- Extended Menu [Menu looks Elongated]
-- Alphanumeric Keyboard by dan-av - Apply the Patches in RomPatcher.
-- N8 Qwerty Layout by dan-av - Apply the Patches in RomPatcher.
-- 4 row qwerty
Music Player
-- Voice Recording Quality increased [HQ]
-- Voice Recorder will record up to 1 hour now!
-- Music Player searches only E:\Music\ Move all your Music files here
-- Symbian 3 Equaliser
-- Gallery won’t search Hidden and Wallpapers folder. Store all secret stuff in those Folders.
-- Gallery will search only E:\Images Folder
-- Nokia Browser (Fastest and Latest Browser by Nokia)
-- New overall Browsing Experience by Nokia!
-- Internet and Browsing Cache moved to E:\
-- Browser Cache increased to 35 MB
-- Video Camera Frame Rates Highly Increased
-- Camera image quality set to max for all the Models
-- Disabled Camera RAM. Now camera won’t stay in the background and eat RAM after you exit it.
Clock Settings [Exclusive Mods]
-- Clock set to 24 Hours by default
-- Digital Clock set as default
Light Settings:
-- Light Intensity: 30%
-- Light Time-out: 15sec
Themes added:
-- NuLight Theme by IND190
-- FireBird Theme
-- Bluetooth renamed to ‘Blaze!’
-- Profile name is just ‘General’ now.
-- Extra Sensor: Tapping Controls added
-- Kinetic Scrolling is much smoother!
-- Custom Versions changed! Check *#0000#
-- "Restart!" key in place of "Lock Screen and keys" ! Press the Power button n check!
-- No vibration while Lock/Unlock
-- Kill Me list added [Advanced]
-- Messaging setting: 999 Sent as default
-- 96 Languages support added to Conversations app
-- Auto Creation of folders after flash - Blaze, Boot and thinkchange
-- Default Startup time (setting) after Flash changed!
-- Flashing/Formatting won't ask for Country Selection and Date-Time Input.
5 HS added:
-- Contacts HS
-- Basic
-- Finger Use
-- Full Page
-- Navigation Bar
-- Basic HS set to default
-- 5 Flash Live Screens by Deeps_17 added to E:\Blaze\ folder [Exclusive!]
Applications added to Rofs2:
-- File Browser
-- Conversations app in Messaging with support for over 96 Languages
-- Kill Me v1.36
-- BTSwitch
-- Autoinstaller
Applications added to AutoInstaller:
These apps are optional. Run AutoInstaller after flashing to install these apps. To check the apps before/after install, go to thinkchange folder in memory card.
-- RomPatcher+ v3.1 with AutoStart
-- DzMusic Keys v2.00
-- Welcome
-- My Nokia
-- Ovi Store
-- Ovi Sync
-- Ovi Contacts
>> HACK:
-- Real Hack! Installserver Patch by Vova1989 added. Now no QT and Ovi Store bugs!
-- Application Policies for all Apps Rectified
-- All Widgets Security Disabled
-- All Java Permissions removed
-- System File Manager will show all System folders in E:\
-- Nokia Welcome SMS is completely stopped
-- Ram – Eating Ovi Contacts Removed
Read the Note Carefully. If you don't understand something, Feel free to ask questions in the thread. All instructions are clearly listed.[/b]
Download Links for Vanilla.
>> RM-588 -- RELEASED!!
Core OR Core by Team Eclipse
Blaze Lite Beta (ROFS2 + UDA)
Fix for Nokia 5230 RM-588: HERE. Copy to rofs2 OR use c2z patch.
>> RM-356 --RELEASED!
>> RM-625 -- RELEASED!
Rofs2 + Uda
>> RM-559
Core OR Core By Team Eclipse
Rofs2 + Uda
-- Use of Uda is mandatory! Delete the one from the core n use the one in the rofs2.
-- Password for Core files: binh24
Thank You Guys... Happy Flashing...
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